Monday, October 5, 2009

Machu Picchu

Yesterday, we had the experience of a life time! We woke up at 3:30 am in our hostel in the town of Aguas Calientes. We walked down to the bus stop to make it on the first bus. We started up the bus trail at 5:30 and arrived in Machu Picchu at 6. As being part of the first group at Machu Picchu we were allowed to hike Wanu Picchu which is above Machu Picchu and only 400 people are allowed up there a day.

The hike began at 7 and it was intense. We walked up stairs that have been there for thousands of years, placed by the Incas. The hike was immensely steep. We had to stop multiple times to catch our breath because of the altitude. But, it was so worth it! It was one of the most beautiful sights in the world. You are so high up clouds pass through you and you can watch them form within the valley. While, I was up there it made me realize how the Incas could believe in so many Gods, when you are that close to the heavens. After we each had some alone time to reflect and meditate, we headed back down to Machu Picchu.

Walking around the ruins of Machu Picchu was amazing to think you were walking where one of the most powerful civilizations to ever exist once thrived. It was also mind boggling to think about how the Incas were able to transport the massive stones to build the city. Each stone is also perfectly cut, as if it were cut by lasers.

Hiking to Wanu Picchu and walking around Machu Picchu was an amazing experience for all of us in different ways. If you have not been, I highly suggest going, it is life changing!


Colin, Patrick, Kristy


1 comment:

  1. Very, very awesome. Looks like a blast. Keep on keeping on............
